The Society of University Neurosurgeons

The Society of University Neurosurgeons (SUN) originated in 1965, with incorporation in Tennessee on May 12, 1970.  The founding members, pioneer neurosurgeons all, envisioned an academic travel club for university academicians. We recently had our 43rd meeting in Rome, Naples, and Capri, Italy with over 60 neurosurgeons attending.  The meeting is normally hosted at an academic university center with the first day devoted to the university center speakers.  Multiple academic speakers round out the remainder of the presentations during the meeting.  Historically the active membership has been a young group;  in more recent years membership has grown internationally to the point where we now have International hosting every other year as opposed to the original every fourth year.  In the last few years we have been hosted in London by the National Hospital in Queens Square, in Italy by the University of Naples (University degli Studi di Napoli Federico II) with participation also by Sapienza University in Rome, and Turkey in two years by the Turkish Academy.  The group has over 70 active US members and over 40 Corresponding and Senior members.  Officers include President, President-elect, Vice-President and Secretary - Treasurer.  Dr. Ken Smith is our historian and the recipient of our first Distinguished Service Award; this year’s honoree was Dr. Michael Apuzzo.

Present OfficersPresent_Officers.html
Past MeetingsPast_Meetings.html
Current MeetingCurrent_Meeting.html

